Guardians – Joseph and Martha
Even in a stable environment, you might find that the organisation’s values or long-term goals do not align with your personal sense of duty and tradition. If you feel that your contributions are not being fully recognised or that your potential for growth is limited, it may be time to review your options.
Action: Consider seeking roles in organisations that have a strong emphasis on community and tradition, where your sense of duty and reliability can be fully appreciated and rewarded.
SJ – Guardian These individuals are practical, dependable, and value tradition. They are often seen as the caretakers and organisers, focusing on responsibility and duty
Guardians are the steadfast and dependable backbone of society. They value tradition, duty, and responsibility, and are often seen as reliable and hardworking. SJs thrive in structured environments where their sense of duty and obligation can be fulfilled. They are practical, detail-oriented, and often take on roles that require organization and stability.

Joseph – SJ

Joseph – SJ

Rational - Solomon and Abigail
In a well-resourced environment, you might still encounter limitations on innovation and strategic thinking. If you feel that the organization is not leveraging your analytical skills and strategic insights to their fullest potential, it may be time to consider other opportunities.
Action: Look for roles in cutting-edge industries or startups where your drive for competence and innovation can be fully utilised and where you can have a significant impact on the organisation’s direction.
NT – Rational These people are strategic, logical, and innovative. They are driven by a desire to understand and control their environment, often excelling in problem-solving and theoretical thinking.
Rationals, are driven by a quest for competence and understanding. They are logical, analytical, and value intelligence and efficiency. Rationals are often seen as strategic thinkers who are constantly seeking to improve and innovate. They are self-critical and have high expectations for themselves and others.

Solomon – NT

Solomon – NT

NF – Idealist – John the Baptist and Ruth
Even in a supportive environment, you might find that the organisation’s culture does not fully align with your values and desire for meaningful work. If you feel that your efforts to create a positive impact are not being fully supported, it may be time to explore other options.
Action: Seek out organisations with a strong focus on social responsibility and employee well-being, where your empathy and desire for authenticity can thrive and where you can make a meaningful difference.
NF – Idealist These individuals are empathetic, intuitive, and focused on personal growth and authenticity. They seek meaningful connections and are often driven by their values and ideals.
Idealists, are driven by a desire for self-actualisation and authenticity. They value integrity, empathy, and meaningful connections. Idealists are often seen as idealistic and compassionate, seeking to bring out the best in themselves and others. They are sensitive to the subtleties of human interaction and are often drawn to roles that involve helping and inspiring others.

John the Baptist

John the Baptist

Artisan – David and Rahab
As an SP, you thrive on spontaneity and action. In a struggling organisation, the lack of clear boundaries and constant changes can be particularly challenging. You may feel constrained by the instability and find it difficult to focus on practical achievements. The increased presence of social defences like projection and scapegoating can create a hostile work environment, making it hard to stay motivated and engaged.
Action: Consider taking on freelance or contract work that allows you to leverage your skills in a more flexible and dynamic setting. This can provide you with the freedom and variety you crave while you explore long-term opportunities in more stable organisations.
SP – Artisan These people are spontaneous, adaptable, and enjoy living in the moment. They are often creative and seek excitement and new experiences
Artisans are characterised by their need for freedom and spontaneity. They are action-oriented, adventurous, and thrive in dynamic environments. Artisans are often seen as energetic and fun-loving, with a penchant for taking risks and seeking excitement. They are practical and resourceful, often excelling in hands-on activities.
